Free Download Editable EHR7 and Z83

Free Download Editable EHR7 and Z83

How to fill in EHR7 Curriculum Vitae Form

The curriculum vitae form is a form used in the province of KwaZulu-Natal to apply for school based promotional posts advertised in HRM circulars every year. This form is always accompanied by a z83 form. It is used to gather important information about the applicant, it is also used to understand the applicants experience focusing of 4 key areas which are;

  • Leadership: Administrative, Management & Related experience.
  • Organisational Ability and Related Experience.
  • Professional Development/ Educational Experience, Interest & Insight.
  • Community Related Leadership Experience.

The EHR7 form has personal details at the beginning including your names, contact details, qualifications etc. the beginning part of the form is pretty straight forward however you must ensure that all the required information is filled in correctly and a “not applicable” is written where necessary, avoid leaving blank spaces in order to reduce chances of your application being sifted out. You will also be required to add your teaching experience specifying the institutions that you have worked for, the period of years you have been at each school or institution, the total number of years you have as experience and your reasons for leaving at each school or institution. Remember when filling in the CV part of the form you may not exceed the number of lines provided in the form.


Under leadership you are expected to outline all leadership positions that you have occupied in your years of experience and the roles and duties you have performed at these positions. These positions can be as simple as being a class teacher, you have to mention also the duties that were required of you as a class teacher like; marking the register, motivating learners, keeping records, analysing results, providing feedback to learners and parents alike etc. You can mention being a chairperson or secretary of any committee in your school or any other leadership position that you have held. Do not forget to mention what duties you were doing in each leadership position in order to demonstrate your administrative and management experience. This is section will be scored out of 14 marks during the shortlisting process therefore it is a good idea to have more than 14 points to accumulate as much marks as possible.


This is where you are expected to outline all events or activities that you have organised at your school. You can also mention events and activities that you were part of their organising team, gibe a brief description of the event. This section will be scored out of 7. You can include events like excursions, prize giving day, fundraising events, sports and many others.


This is another section that will be scored out of 14 therefore be sure to mention as many points as the spaces in the form will allow. Here you are expected to talk about your professional development including your qualifications and your years of experience. You can also talk about your current studies and also the workshops that you have attended in order to develop yourself. Your involvement in professional communities and committees like the science expo, book club, clusters, spelling bees, PLC’s etc. Your involvement in educational competitions like the Science Olympiad and many others. You can also talk about your affiliation to labour unions, your understanding of policies and acts that govern the teaching profession, policies like; South African Schools Act (SASA), South African Council for Educators code of conduct (SACE), Education and labour relations council (ELRC), Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Employment of Educators Act (EEA) and many others. You can also outline your involvement in policy development for subjects in schools and your networking skills. Your SACE registration and CPTD enrolment and points. You can also mention your computer literacy and understanding of SASAMS.


This section will be scored out of 7, it involves all leadership roles and responsibilities you have in the community. This includes community programmes like the neighbourhood watch, working for IEC during elections, burial societies, training the youth in sports, etc. you can even mention leadership positions that you have at church and your responsibilities. You can also talk about any other community development involvement that you may have.