Registered Creches in South Africa

Early childhood is the most important stage of development in any child. 
It sets the tone of the child’s entire academic future. This stage can make or break a child’s academic career; therefore,
it is very crucial to select the best creche or ECD centre that will ensure that the child lives up tohis or her full potential. Selecting a creche can be difficult,
there are a few things that a parent has to consider before enrolling a child in such centres. The most important of them all is the institutions registration details. You must ensure that then centre is fully registered. Unregistered centres may have inadequate facilities and resources to unlock
your child’s full potential. Some of the unregistered centres have unqualified personnel to care for children. To be on a safe side ensure that the centre is
registered for your child’s safety and your peace of mind.
The following is a list of registered ECD centres in South Africa ...