How to win the Lottery or Powerball…

How to win the Lottery or Powerball…


Lotto is a game of chance where the odds are always stacked against you. There are always millions of odds against you whenever you play any set of numbers, however there are a few ways to ensure that the odds are slightly in your favour;

There is no guaranteed method of winning the lottery, it is still a game of chance however these tips and trick will help you maximise your chances of winning big.

Create chances
1. To increase your chances of winning you first have to play, this is because if you do not play you stand no chance of winning at all. So by simply playing you stand a chance no matter how little it is, you still stand a chance.

Choosing numbers
2. Choose your numbers very carefully. Always try to play a balanced game. When selecting numbers avoid selecting numbers that are all low or numbers that are all high. Based on past results it is always better to play a mixture of high and low numbers. Also avoid selecting numbers that represent birthdays of your family or your kids. This is because birthdays will not exceed 31 while lotto numbers usually do.

Past Draws
3. Analyse past draws to know which numbers are hot and which numbers are cold. Hot numbers are those that have not been drawn for a while, numbers that are long overdue. Try to play a mixture of hot and cold numbers to increase your chances of winning.

Consecutive Numbers
4. Avoid playing consecutive numbers as those are rarely drawn. Also picking numbers that are unique. Numbers that most people shy away from picking will mean if you win you are less likely to share the jackpot.

Repeat your Numbers for More draws
5. Play your numbers for at least five draws before you change them to maximise their chance of being drawn. Remember the more tickets you purchase the better are your chances of winning.

Play smart

You cannot buy all combinations at once.
Remember this is still a game. You do not want to go hungry after buying your tickets, so bet with only the cash you can spare.

Safe keep your ticket until the draw

keep your ticket safe and remember to check it against the winning numbers. Most people win and lose their tickets, others win and not check their tickets. If you do not claim your winning in South Africa for over a year. You forfeit your winnings, in other countries this period is even less.

Quick pick
6. Do not shy away from playing a quick pick, a lot of people win by using quick pick. This is because we humans aren’t good at selecting random numbers. Whatever we decide to pick is not random at all. Our brains associate that number with whatever is in our memories. Lotteries generate random numbers therefore the computer is better at this that us, so go ahead play quick pick.

Manifest Abundance
7. The most powerful technique that most previous winners claim to have used to win big in lottery games is manifestation. If you manifest your win, it is more likely to come true. There are many ways of doing this. You can include affirmations and a strong belief that you will win without any doubt etc.